As soon as you get engaged, it seems like people bombard you with “What are you doing for…” and “How is ___ going?” “What about___” and it just feels overwhelming. I’ve been in your shoes and I remember how overwhelming that felt. Here’s just a few tips and tricks to keep in mind that will help wedding planning go SO much smoother!
I’m starting off with a bang, because using a wedding planner is the easiest way to not get overwhelmed with wedding planning! Wedding planners have planned hundreds of weddings, which makes them perfect for bounding ideas off of, executing your own ideas, and keeping your wedding planning and wedding day flowing smoothly! You can view my favorite Omaha Wedding Planners here, while my favorite Des Moines wedding planner is here.
Pinterest is an AMAZING resource, but doing everything on there is simply not realistic and it may just cause more stress. Look at Pinterest for inspiration and ideas and then put your own ideas into effect.
Right after getting engaged, when looking up a wedding planning book… and do you know what I found? I was already behind! We only had a 6 month engagement, and we discovered that one year before the wedding you’re supposed to choose a photographer, find a venue, nail down the florist, order your dress, etc. I was already behind! I did end up getting a notebook that I stored all my information on. That was way more helpful than a planning book with exact dates in it.
This was so helpful for me! I had lots of family coming from across the US, so I included hotel information, directions, and everything like that. The link was included on invitations as a way to RSVP and it was so handy!
Timelines can be a hard thing to create from scratch. Thankfully, your wedding planner and photographer are both well versed in weddings! They probably both already have sample timelines that work great! Check in with them, talk through your ideas, and remember to include things like traveling to and from locations!
Hopefully this helps you as you start the process of planning your wedding! You can view more articles about wedding planning here.