Midwest Wedding Photographer

Scandinavia // Two Weeks in Sweden + Denmark

Destination Photography

In December of 2019, I had the opportunity to go to Sweden and Denmark with a music group and put on Christmas concerts! When we were singing and playing, we were able to do some exploring! While that trip was over a year ago, I still really wanted to share some my favorites photos with you.

To say that I love Europe is a complete understatement. This was my third trip, and it was nice to see that you really do get used to the jetlag – or at least learn tips and tricks of how to make it better. I took my first solo train ride – so it’s nice to know that I have that ability now should the need arise!

I should have kept more detailed notes about the exact places, but I’ll do my best to at least let you all know the general area that these photos were taken in. Enjoy!

This was the morning after arriving in Jonkophing. I was on a different flight than my team, so I hung out in Iceland for a while before flying over to Denmark. I then took a train meet them in Sweden. I missed my first train, so I was so thankful for the little old lady who spoke enough English to let me know that I was on the right train.
We visited so many castles I can barely keep track!
If I’m not mistaken, this is the Baltic Sea!
We had some downtime was day, so a friend took a few of us to see old remains.
This is the remains of Sjoboholm – a abandoned noble estate. It was built around the 1500’s before being abandoned in the 1830s.
We went to a Julebord, which is a Scandinavian Christmas feast, basically. We ate so many authentic foods – it was amazing! The Julebord we went to was hosted in this beautiful house!
We took a ferry across the pond to Helsingor, Denmark to visit Kronborg Castle and to walk around. This was probably my favorite day of the whole trip. We worked up good appetites before eating the best meal of the whole trip. I also had a cappuccino that was amazing – but what European coffee is bad?
Fun fact: this hallway was built so that the queen could get throughout the whole castle without getting her skirt dirty.
We went back to the ocean and saw some famous sand dunes. It was a beautiful area!
I promise I wasn’t stalking that poor couple. These painting were beautiful, and I tried so hard to figure out a way to bring one of them home with me, but they were a little large for my carry-on and I didn’t have a checked bag. Next time I go, I’ll just carry it with me.

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